Tujuan Hidup, Impian dan Cita-Cita: Sebuah Perubahan!

Tepat H-58 menjelang Ujian Nasional (UN) ketika tulisan ini ditulis dan sekitar 4 bulan lagi Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) akan digelar. UN adalah sesuatu yang paling penting saat ini bagi siswa kelas 3 SMA di seluruh Indonesia. Mengapa penting? Karena UN adalah factor dominan penentu kelulusan siswa selama tiga tahun bersekolah di SMA. Selama ini, UN menjadi momok yang menakutkan bagi sebagian siswa SMA. Tetapi apapun yang terjadi, UN tetap akan dilaksanakan dan mau tidak mau kita harus siap dan semangat menghadapi UN.

Setelah UN, kita sebagai siswa kelas 3 pasti akan disibukkan kembali dalam rangka menghadapi SNMPTN tertulis. Tahun ini sistem penerimaan mahasiswa baru memang sedikit berubah, sebagian PTN menutup jalur mandiri seperti yang dilakukan oleh ITB dan UGM. Hal ini yang membuat terjadinya perubahan tujuan hidup saya setelah Ujian Tertulis (UTUL) UGM yang rencananya akan berlangsung tanggal 27 Maret 2011 batal dilaksanakan. Sebenarnya saat ini terdapat jalur undangan SNMPTN, sebuah seleksi masuk PTN menggunakan nilai rapor selama di SMA. Seperti jalur Penulusuran Minat dan Kemampuan (PMDK) di tahun sebelumnya.

Namun apa daya, saya tidak berhak mendapatkan akses jalur undangan tersebut karena peringkat saya di kelas tidak mencukupi. Saya sedikit kecewa tidak bisa ikut jalur undangan, hehehe. Tetapi saya tidak berkecil hati berkepanjangan karena harapan itu masih ada: SNMPTN Tertulis tanggal 31 Mei-1 Juni 2011 nanti.
Niat dan tujuan awal saya adalah sangat ingin kuliah di jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIPOL) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) dengan mengikuti UTUL UGM. Setelah UGM menghapus jalur mandiri, harapan itu pupus. Saya ingin sekali masuk jurusan HI di UGM karena yang tertua di Indonesia untuk jurusan HI. Selain itu, saya juga ingin menjadi dosen dan diplomat kelak. Sepertinya saya harus mengubur impian saya kuliah di HI FISIPOL UGM.

Setelah mengetahui tidak mendapatkan jalur undangan SNMPTN, maka saya memutuskan u/ tidak memilih UGM dalam SNMPTN tertulis nanti. Akhirnya, pilihan saya berubah dari impian semula yaitu jurusan HI di FISIPOL UGM beralih ke Fakultas Hukum (FH). Saya akan memilih FH Universitas Indonesia pada pilihan pertama dan FH Universitas Diponegoro pada pilihan kedua. Semoga dapat diterima di pilihan pertama. Amin. Dan ketika sudah diterima di FHUI/FH Undip kelak, ingin masuk dalam konsentrasi bagian Hukum Internasional.

Walaupun terdapat perubahan memilih jurusan, cita-cita dan tujuan hidup saya tetap sama. Saat ini saya ingin menjadi seorang dosen, penulis, advokat, dan diplomat serta pakar Hukum Internasional kelak. Saya terinspirasi dari Guru Besar Hukum Internasional asal Indonesia yaitu Prof.Dr.Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, S.H., LL.M. Beliau alumnus Fakultas Hukum UI, dosen di Fakultas Hukum Unpad dan juga diplomat yang pernah menjabat sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri RI. Selain itu beliau sangat berjasa kepada negeri ini karena memperkenalkan konsep Wawasan Nusantara dalam Konvensi Hukum Internasional PBB di Jamaika tahun 1982. Saya ingin seperti beliau di masa depan.

Segala sesuatu yang kita rencanakan terkadang tidak seperti yang kita inginkan. Allah SWT telah mengatur skenario kehidupan kita. Perubahan rencana hidup saya terjadi setelah ditiadakan UTUL UGM dan tidak mendapatkan jalur undangan. Jadi, sekarang saya akan bekerja keras semaksimal mungkin untuk menghadapi UN dan SNMPTN. Semoga Allah SWT memberikan yang terbaik untuk saya dan juga teman-teman kelas 3 SMA di seluruh Indonesia untuk meraih impian dan cita-cita. Terakhir, saya ingin mengutip sebuah quote dari Novel Ranah 3 Warna: "Bahwa kita tidak boleh meremehkan orang lain, bahkan tidak boleh meremehkan impian kita sendiri, setinggi apapun. Sungguh Tuhan Maha Mendengar,".

-Husni Mubarak di Jakarta, 19 Februari 2011.

Indonesia Premiere League VS Indonesia Super League (PSSI): A Controversy about Establishment Indonesia Premiere League

By Husni Mubarak
Nowadays, from children until old people in this country like football sport after Suzuki AFF Cup 2010 was held in Jakarta. Indonesian football team become rising star after they entered the final match versus Malaysia. Eventhough we lose from Malaysia, but Indonesian always support them until at any time.
After AFF cup, the issue of Indonesian football became hot again after entrepreneur Arifin Panigoro with Indonesian Footbal Society were declared Indonesia Premier League (LPI). LPI is a professional league which are sponsored by consorsium entrepreneur Indonesia. That is lead by Arifin Panigoro. LPI establishment cause much controversy. There are many pro and contra about it.
First, Indonesian Football Society including common people are support establishment of LPI because they hope LPI can be a professional than predecessor league LSI (Indonesian Super League). LSI is a football league in Indonesia which are held by Indonesian Football Federation (PSSI). They are bored with system of football in this country, like corruption and bribing referees or it’s called calciopoli in Italy. So, LPI trusted to make a change for Indonesian football and could built the competition better than LSI, as their motto “Change The Game”.
The second is contra from opposition. Nurdin Halid –chairman of PSSI- said that LPI is illegal league in Indonesia because LPI is not allowed by PSSI and FIFA. The legality of FPI is given by Indonesian Professional Sports Agency (BOPI). LPI should under responsibility PSSI as high football federation in Indonesia. Then, LPI considered would divide public attention between LPI and LSI. It is worried will be a disintegration in Indonesian football lovers.
Many pro and contra about LPI and finally, I think the society has been smart for choose who is better between LPI and LSI. Let the society decides by themselves.
Jakarta, 1st February 2011

Save The Ticket

I went to Gelora Bung Karno Stadium (GBK Stadium) on Sunday (26/12) with my friends that Handika, Adam Apriliyadi and Bayu Nugroho. We were hunting ticket for Final AFF Cup 2010 Indonesia VS Malaysia. That morning when we went to GBK, the cloud in the sky was very dark. We left with motorcycles after shubuh praying in Madani mosque. First, we pass the street when cars and motorcycles still quietly in the road. Then we were driving motorcycles fastly, and decided toward east ticket box in GBK.
Okay, we were arrived in GBK complex at 5 o’clock. Before we were entering GBK complex, we pass the street around GBK and saw many people had been there since last night. Many supporter came to GBK and among there were from Malang city, they built a tent and were camping in front of Al-Bina Mosque, still at complex GBK. Then we entered complex GBK and had arrived at east ticket box.
We were waiting the ticket box was open since morning. The ticket queue was long at the time in radius 500 meter. At 10 o’clock was occur little chaos, because many people from left side were attack a ticket queue and it was became very crowd at there. Others chaos factor was the ticket box had not opened by local committee.
until more than 4 hours ago since morning we were waiting. My friends, Handika was tired and need an oxygen. So, he exited from the ticket queue.
We were still waiting at there until 1.30 pm –two half hour-, the ticket box was not also opened and then supporters was angry. The situation was chaos again and even riot. After that, supporters came into GBK Stadium . My friends and I went also into stadium. After we came into stadium, and what happened in there? It was surprised that many people had mess out at the field stadium. It was beyond my prediction. In there are a man throw tickets to supporters who angry and need tickets. I saw a sea of human in there.
After that, came about hundreds entourage of police in riot location from Central Jakarta Police Resort which were led directly by Police Chief Resort. Later, they were curbing riot. Finally, the police asked us to got out from into stadium and each person can bought one ticket with orderly. Yes, we save the ticket for Indonesia.

-Husni Mubarak